As a writer, I write with one idea in mind, and that is to get my point across to my readers through my own thoughts and feelings through words, keeping in mind the specific audience that I am writing to. But what happens when your own thoughts and feelings aren’t enough, and you’re told to change or “revise” your writing, which in an essence, your writing is what you feel. Is it really fair for a person to critique your writing and tell you what is working well and what isn’t, especially since they’re not the ones who have poured their heart in to their words to show you how the feel.
Throughout the semester as a student in English 11A, I was assigned various assignments, in most of which, I was asked to state my opinion and feeling on the subject. After my “final” draft was turned in, I would later receive it with suggestions and comments referring to what was working well, but what also need to be revised or required more attention. In my opinion, this was contradicting to what I was being taught, that as a writer, the most important thing is that through your writing, you state your feelings and opinions. Don’t get me wrong, I feel that no piece of writing is ever complete, and something can always be changed for the better. But, isn’t that my option? As the writer, I feel that I should have the power to decide what is working well in my writing and what isn’t, not someone else who has absolutely no idea what I’m feeling or what I’m trying to convey to my reader through my words. But, for the purpose of this assignment and receiving a passing grade, I will take into consideration the feedback I received on my writing and revise my pieces based on that feedback, even if it does contradict what I was being taught all along.
The first piece of writing that I have chosen to put in my portfolio was titled “Put An End to Drunk Driving.” In this assignment, we were asked to choose a topic of our choice and state our opinion and a counter argument in a persuasive essay that would per sway the reader to agree with my side of the argument. The feedback that I received from Howard Tinberg was that I should check the misuse of an apostrophe in the last paragraph and that I should cite my source to let my readers know where I obtained my information from. Following his instructions, I have changed the misuse of the apostrophe and although I obtained my information from an article I came across while I was searching the web for information, I was unable to go back an cite my source in my revision due to my inability to find the article again.
The second piece of writing that I chose to include in my portfolio was the paper we wrote at midterms where we had to describe the difference between type A and B writes, and decide where we fit in between those two categories. Following that, we were also asked to choose are strongest and weakest piece of writing, and share our plans for revision. After reading Tinberg’s comments and suggestions on this piece of writing, I do not agree with what he has asked me to revise. Howard stated that, “Perhaps you could comment specifically on what the feedback what saying about what worked well in your writing?” If you take the time to carefully read my essay where I discussed both my strong and weak pieces of writing, it will be clear to you that I have discussed what worked well in each piece, but focused more on what I feel should revise, because after all, that is what the assignment was asking us to do; discuss and plan for revision.
The third piece of writing that I have chosen to put in my portfolio was a piece that we did early in the semester, which was writing a memoir. I chose this piece because I wrote this memoir about a very important, meaningful time in my life. Professor Tinberg commented on the smaller problems, such as the misuse of a comma and changing the abbreviation of my high school to the full name so that my readers would understand what I was talking about, which I more than gladly fixed. However, I do not agree that the memoir is split in two due to the excitement of no longer attending high school and the difficult loss of a love one. The memoir starts out simple and carefree, just as most high-schooler’s are, but goes onto show the reader that life can be perfect at any given time, but in the blink of an eye, your life can unexpectedly be turned upside down. As much as I appreciate and take into consideration his comments, I feel that I this memoir shows exactly what I intended it to show, it’s just up to the reader if they can see that or not.
My final piece of writing I chose to put in my portfolio, which ironically was my last written piece for the semester was my research paper titled “Teenaged Pregnancy.” This assignment asked us to choose a trend in today’s society and discuss and document the causes and effects, along with the statistics and facts. Although I was successful in documenting the causes and effects of this trend, I was not as successful in providing statistics and hard evidence to support the claim of the decreasing trend in teenaged pregnancy. After re-reading my essay and following the advice of professor Tinberg, I went back and re-researched my topic, more thoroughly and documented the decrease of the trend through documented statistics and known facts based on the opinions of experts.
As the end of the semester is quickly approaching, I have began reflecting on my learning experiences in this course and how I’ve grown as a writer. I came into this course with a solid back round as a writer, but I am leaving with an even stronger back round. This course has helped me not only as a writer, but also as a critical thinker. I have learned that simply writing a “good” paper is not enough, but to write an “excellent” paper you need to be aware of the audience you are writing to and also to include your feelings and emotions in your writing, which I feel, is the hardest thing to do as a writer.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Teenaged Pregnancy
Each year in the U.S. almost one million teenagers become pregnant, at enormous costs to themselves, and their children, and society (Rose, 2005). While the facts are clear, the issues of teen pregnancy are complicated by our conflicting attitudes and behaviors. Talk of sex fills the airwaves; younger and younger girls are portrayed as sex objects, and sex is used to sell everything from clothing to news. Yet we are shocked at the rising numbers of teens who are sexually active.
There are many social and economic causes of teenage pregnancy. The most primary cause is the lack of knowledge among teenagers regarding the consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior. Most causes of teenage pregnancies are seen in the lower economic part of society where there is a lack of knowledge, awareness, and ability to address the problem of unintended pregnancy (Rose, 2005).
Lack of trust and communication between parents and kids is another important cause of unwanted teen pregnancy (Rosengard, Pollock, Weitzen, Meers, Phipps, 2006). Parental attitude towards their teenaged children and among themselves influence their children’s thoughts and behaviors. If parents are unable to communicate with their children regarding issues relating sex, then their children will resort to acquiring information regarding sex through other sources, which may be unreliable. These other sources usually consist of magazines, television, and peers who are extremely unreliable sources of information and can mislead the child into forming incorrect ideas about sex.
Lack of emotional maturity and independence to act and behave responsibly is another outcome of poor communication and relationships between parents and their teenagers. Many teenagers indulge in irresponsible sexual behavior die to lack of information and awareness regarding sex. Other reasons are peer pressure, inability to express personal views, and frustration in the child is a result in participating in situations that may lead to taking part in sexual behavior, such as alcohol and substance abuse. Inadequate knowledge or awareness regarding reproductive health, contraceptives, and consequences of unintended pregnancy are most often the causes of teenage pregnancy .
Teenaged mothers generally face social disappointment and are seen as outcasts and drop out of school. The lack of social and family support makes them a part of the lower level in society where they cannot afford basic necessities like adequate nutrition and health care (Rosengard, Pollock, Weitzen, Meers, Phipps, 2006). Due to lack of support, awareness and means, these mothers are unable to take proper care of themselves during pregnancy. This lack of care during pregnancy leads to complications in childbirth. Complications such as premature labor and low birth weight of their babies is a result of teenage pregnancies (Rosengard, Pollock, Weitzen, Meers, Phipps, 2006). Babies of teenaged mothers may not be able to receive proper health care and nutrition. They suffer from problems related to mental and physical health.
Along with the unwed mothers, even teenaged fathers pose a risk to the social and economic progress of society. These single parents are unable to provide financial and social support to their babies or families. The frustration leads them to activities like droping out of school, participating in alcohol and substance abuse, and in some cases, even commiting crimes. Experts believe most children of teenaged or unwed mothers also fall into the same trap as their mothers did, and become teenaged or unwed mothers themselves resulting in the formation of a vicious circle (Rose, 2005).
Works Cited
Rosengard, Cynthia, Lealah Pollock, Sherry Weitzen, Ann Meers, and Maureen G. Phipps.
"Concepts of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Teenage Childbearing Among Pregnant Adolescents: a Qualitative Analysis." Pediatrics (2006): 503-508. Academic OneFile. Bristol Community College Library, Fall River.
Rose, Susan. "Going Too Far? Sex, Sin and Social Policy.(Sex Education)." Social Forces (2005): 1207-1226. Academic OneFile. Bristil Community College Library, Fall River.
There are many social and economic causes of teenage pregnancy. The most primary cause is the lack of knowledge among teenagers regarding the consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior. Most causes of teenage pregnancies are seen in the lower economic part of society where there is a lack of knowledge, awareness, and ability to address the problem of unintended pregnancy (Rose, 2005).
Lack of trust and communication between parents and kids is another important cause of unwanted teen pregnancy (Rosengard, Pollock, Weitzen, Meers, Phipps, 2006). Parental attitude towards their teenaged children and among themselves influence their children’s thoughts and behaviors. If parents are unable to communicate with their children regarding issues relating sex, then their children will resort to acquiring information regarding sex through other sources, which may be unreliable. These other sources usually consist of magazines, television, and peers who are extremely unreliable sources of information and can mislead the child into forming incorrect ideas about sex.
Lack of emotional maturity and independence to act and behave responsibly is another outcome of poor communication and relationships between parents and their teenagers. Many teenagers indulge in irresponsible sexual behavior die to lack of information and awareness regarding sex. Other reasons are peer pressure, inability to express personal views, and frustration in the child is a result in participating in situations that may lead to taking part in sexual behavior, such as alcohol and substance abuse. Inadequate knowledge or awareness regarding reproductive health, contraceptives, and consequences of unintended pregnancy are most often the causes of teenage pregnancy .
Teenaged mothers generally face social disappointment and are seen as outcasts and drop out of school. The lack of social and family support makes them a part of the lower level in society where they cannot afford basic necessities like adequate nutrition and health care (Rosengard, Pollock, Weitzen, Meers, Phipps, 2006). Due to lack of support, awareness and means, these mothers are unable to take proper care of themselves during pregnancy. This lack of care during pregnancy leads to complications in childbirth. Complications such as premature labor and low birth weight of their babies is a result of teenage pregnancies (Rosengard, Pollock, Weitzen, Meers, Phipps, 2006). Babies of teenaged mothers may not be able to receive proper health care and nutrition. They suffer from problems related to mental and physical health.
Along with the unwed mothers, even teenaged fathers pose a risk to the social and economic progress of society. These single parents are unable to provide financial and social support to their babies or families. The frustration leads them to activities like droping out of school, participating in alcohol and substance abuse, and in some cases, even commiting crimes. Experts believe most children of teenaged or unwed mothers also fall into the same trap as their mothers did, and become teenaged or unwed mothers themselves resulting in the formation of a vicious circle (Rose, 2005).
Works Cited
Rosengard, Cynthia, Lealah Pollock, Sherry Weitzen, Ann Meers, and Maureen G. Phipps.
"Concepts of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Teenage Childbearing Among Pregnant Adolescents: a Qualitative Analysis." Pediatrics (2006): 503-508. Academic OneFile. Bristol Community College Library, Fall River.
Rose, Susan. "Going Too Far? Sex, Sin and Social Policy.(Sex Education)." Social Forces (2005): 1207-1226. Academic OneFile. Bristil Community College Library, Fall River.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Teen Drinking and Spring Break
Emily R. Grekin, Kenneth J. Sher, and Jennifer L Krill “College spring break and alcohol use:
effects of spring break activity” Issues in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 68.5
(September 2007): pg681
College Library, Fall River, MA 4, November, 2007
In this article, the authors discuss the relationship between spring break vacation, and an increase in college drinking. Grekin, Sher, and Krull conducted a study in at a Midwestern university in which they contacted students in their freshman, sophomore, and junior year of college in both the spring and fall semesters. They surveyed the students asking them their typical alcohol use, their alcohol use during spring break week, and the activities they participated in during spring break. Their studies suggested that those students staying in their college town or visiting with parents were less likely to take part in heavy alcohol consumption, rather than those who chose to vacation or take part in spring break activities with friends, who were more susceptible to engaging in heavy alcohol consumption.
Grekin, Sher, and Krull make some strong points that heavy alcohol consumption is increased during the spring break week. However, there is no strong evidence to support this assumption. To support their thesis of the relationship between alcohol consumption and spring break week they should study the person and environmental characteristics that increase alcohol consumption and spring break week.
effects of spring break activity” Issues in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 68.5
(September 2007): pg681
College Library, Fall River, MA 4, November, 2007
In this article, the authors discuss the relationship between spring break vacation, and an increase in college drinking. Grekin, Sher, and Krull conducted a study in at a Midwestern university in which they contacted students in their freshman, sophomore, and junior year of college in both the spring and fall semesters. They surveyed the students asking them their typical alcohol use, their alcohol use during spring break week, and the activities they participated in during spring break. Their studies suggested that those students staying in their college town or visiting with parents were less likely to take part in heavy alcohol consumption, rather than those who chose to vacation or take part in spring break activities with friends, who were more susceptible to engaging in heavy alcohol consumption.
Grekin, Sher, and Krull make some strong points that heavy alcohol consumption is increased during the spring break week. However, there is no strong evidence to support this assumption. To support their thesis of the relationship between alcohol consumption and spring break week they should study the person and environmental characteristics that increase alcohol consumption and spring break week.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
In my opinion, I feel that a person is unable to determine what type of writer they are based on how they write. You either right for the pure satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that it gives you, or because you are told to do so and will be penalized for failing complete the assignment, never realizing which category you fall into. But, with no choice in the matter, I am forced to place myself in a specific category as a writer.
The revision process is something that Type A writers see as never ending, that a piece of writing can never really be complete. Type A writers see writing as powerful words that speak to the reader, the stronger the vocabulary, the more clear and easier the message will be conveyed to the reader. Type A writers strive to eliminate redundancy in their writing, because they feel that it is unnecessary and frivolous. They feel that their writing and strong vocabulary is symbolic to the reader, and can ultimately make or break their success as a strong writer.
Type B writers feel that their writing is a “constant process,” that they can “go on forever” revising their work to suit the readers expectations. They feel that revision shapes their argument, confusing the beginning and the end. Type B writers feel that their readers shape their revisions, keeping in mind that the reader influences their writing.
After reading the characteristics of the two different types of writers, I feel that I do not fit into either of those categories, because as a writer, I feel that it is unfair and untrue to limit you and your writing to specific categories. But, for the purpose of this assignment, I will force myself to determine what type of writer I feel I am, based on the characteristics of each type of writer.
Although I feel that writing and revision is a constant process that can be never ending and that readers do shape your writing, I would place myself as a Type A writer. As a writer, I tend to be short and to the point, very rarely repeating myself or being redundant. If you clearly state where you stand on the topic or a specific argument, there is absolutely no reason to keep informing the reader of that, and repeating unnecessary information. As a writer, I try to express who I am as a person and my thoughts and emotions on a specific topic through a strong, meaningful vocabulary that can speak to the reader in a meaningful way. Ultimately, the reader holds all the cards. A writer can continuously revise a paper, but in the end, it will never be complete until you have written something that can please any and every reader.
As a writer, no matter how old or how experienced I am, there will always be strong pieces of writing, along with weaker pieces of writing. At this stage in my college career, I feel that one of my stronger pieces was writing an argument, which was titled “Put an End to Drunk Driving,” As an inexperienced writer, I feel that I am strong at writing arguments or persuasive essays. In this piece, I explain the consequences that drunk drivers would have to face when breaking the law and driving drunk. In my opinion, I feel that I was able to show the reader why passing a specific bill to penalize law breaking citizens in a clear, effective way, providing them with evidence and my personal opinion, while still acknowledging an objective point of view. As with all papers, there is still room for improvement. Taking into consideration the suggestions of the reader (Howard Tinberg) I would change the title to something shorter and attention grabbing. Also, I would re-read the essay, and pay close attention to grammar and remembering to cite the source.
Part of being a good writer is admitting when you have a weak piece of reading, because lets face it, no one is perfect, and neither is their writing. The first piece of writing that we did early in the semester was an in-class essay based on eating disorders. After re-reading this piece, I feel that this is the weaker of the three assignments we’ve completed this semester. It was difficult to write this piece, not only because it was the very first college essay that I have ever written, but also because it is such a pressing issue in today’s society. Although I feel that I made some strong points as to why so may young girls suffer from eating disorders and why, but I feel that this piece is not a strong representation of who I am as a writer. During the revision process, I would relate today’s epidemic of eating disorders to the disgustingly thin celebrities that young girls idolize, and dream of someday becoming. Also, I would state in the very beginning that I shared the same thoughts and feelings on the issue as Kilbourne, and use supporting evidence from her article. However, the one thing that I would not change, is that it may be a passing fad, just fashion or music. As society grows and changes, it is very possible that their view of beauty and envy may too.
The revision process is something that Type A writers see as never ending, that a piece of writing can never really be complete. Type A writers see writing as powerful words that speak to the reader, the stronger the vocabulary, the more clear and easier the message will be conveyed to the reader. Type A writers strive to eliminate redundancy in their writing, because they feel that it is unnecessary and frivolous. They feel that their writing and strong vocabulary is symbolic to the reader, and can ultimately make or break their success as a strong writer.
Type B writers feel that their writing is a “constant process,” that they can “go on forever” revising their work to suit the readers expectations. They feel that revision shapes their argument, confusing the beginning and the end. Type B writers feel that their readers shape their revisions, keeping in mind that the reader influences their writing.
After reading the characteristics of the two different types of writers, I feel that I do not fit into either of those categories, because as a writer, I feel that it is unfair and untrue to limit you and your writing to specific categories. But, for the purpose of this assignment, I will force myself to determine what type of writer I feel I am, based on the characteristics of each type of writer.
Although I feel that writing and revision is a constant process that can be never ending and that readers do shape your writing, I would place myself as a Type A writer. As a writer, I tend to be short and to the point, very rarely repeating myself or being redundant. If you clearly state where you stand on the topic or a specific argument, there is absolutely no reason to keep informing the reader of that, and repeating unnecessary information. As a writer, I try to express who I am as a person and my thoughts and emotions on a specific topic through a strong, meaningful vocabulary that can speak to the reader in a meaningful way. Ultimately, the reader holds all the cards. A writer can continuously revise a paper, but in the end, it will never be complete until you have written something that can please any and every reader.
As a writer, no matter how old or how experienced I am, there will always be strong pieces of writing, along with weaker pieces of writing. At this stage in my college career, I feel that one of my stronger pieces was writing an argument, which was titled “Put an End to Drunk Driving,” As an inexperienced writer, I feel that I am strong at writing arguments or persuasive essays. In this piece, I explain the consequences that drunk drivers would have to face when breaking the law and driving drunk. In my opinion, I feel that I was able to show the reader why passing a specific bill to penalize law breaking citizens in a clear, effective way, providing them with evidence and my personal opinion, while still acknowledging an objective point of view. As with all papers, there is still room for improvement. Taking into consideration the suggestions of the reader (Howard Tinberg) I would change the title to something shorter and attention grabbing. Also, I would re-read the essay, and pay close attention to grammar and remembering to cite the source.
Part of being a good writer is admitting when you have a weak piece of reading, because lets face it, no one is perfect, and neither is their writing. The first piece of writing that we did early in the semester was an in-class essay based on eating disorders. After re-reading this piece, I feel that this is the weaker of the three assignments we’ve completed this semester. It was difficult to write this piece, not only because it was the very first college essay that I have ever written, but also because it is such a pressing issue in today’s society. Although I feel that I made some strong points as to why so may young girls suffer from eating disorders and why, but I feel that this piece is not a strong representation of who I am as a writer. During the revision process, I would relate today’s epidemic of eating disorders to the disgustingly thin celebrities that young girls idolize, and dream of someday becoming. Also, I would state in the very beginning that I shared the same thoughts and feelings on the issue as Kilbourne, and use supporting evidence from her article. However, the one thing that I would not change, is that it may be a passing fad, just fashion or music. As society grows and changes, it is very possible that their view of beauty and envy may too.
A Beautiful Mind, a Beautiful Mystery
Award winning director Ron Howard has created a masterpiece, guiding the audience through John Forbes Nash Jr.'s (Russell Crowe) life starting with Nash as an astonishing young matmatician striving for that perfect original idea when he becomes entangled in a mysterious crime. This is a story of passion, struggle, and courage.
Through Howard’s directing and Crowe’s amazing performance portrays Nash's achievements, along with his flaws without showing mental illness as something that society frowns upon. Crowe's performance as John Nash is an honest, but true look at the price paid by people who suffer from schizophrenia and the toll it takes on families and friends.
"A Beautiful Mind" is the story of mathematical genius John Forbes Nash Jr. as he enters Princeton University, a bright student with all the tools in life to be successful and make a difference. Obsessed with the idea that his is always right and truly matters, he competes against other students in Princeton’s challenging math department. While studying in a bar surrounded by all of his competitors, he competes with them for the attention of the young, gorgeous women at the bar. After studying his classmates for a while, he develops his ‘game theory,” which earns him a position at MIT, where one of his tasks is to teach a math class to the eager minds of Princeton.
Jennifer Connelly enters as Alicia Larde, one of the eager minds in Nash;s class. Alicia quickly falls for the socially unacceptable, and rather boring Josh Nash. Her invitation of going to dinner together sparks a romance among the two, and brings life and excitement into Nash’s orderly world. Alicia is the one and only thing that will remain real and consistent in Nash’s own world as is condition worsens and becomes known.
In such a short time, director Ron Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman are able to provide us with such a powerful story of pride, love, despair, compassion, and triumph. Russell Crowe is able to brilliantly capture the passion and devotion to his wife and his work, while striving for that never ending feeling of excellence. The amazing performance from Jennifer Connelly is unforgettable as she captures Nash’s wife Alicia with such compassion and emotion. "A Beautiful Mind" is easily one of the finest films that I have viewed in a long time, and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a well written, beautifully acted movie.
Through Howard’s directing and Crowe’s amazing performance portrays Nash's achievements, along with his flaws without showing mental illness as something that society frowns upon. Crowe's performance as John Nash is an honest, but true look at the price paid by people who suffer from schizophrenia and the toll it takes on families and friends.
"A Beautiful Mind" is the story of mathematical genius John Forbes Nash Jr. as he enters Princeton University, a bright student with all the tools in life to be successful and make a difference. Obsessed with the idea that his is always right and truly matters, he competes against other students in Princeton’s challenging math department. While studying in a bar surrounded by all of his competitors, he competes with them for the attention of the young, gorgeous women at the bar. After studying his classmates for a while, he develops his ‘game theory,” which earns him a position at MIT, where one of his tasks is to teach a math class to the eager minds of Princeton.
Jennifer Connelly enters as Alicia Larde, one of the eager minds in Nash;s class. Alicia quickly falls for the socially unacceptable, and rather boring Josh Nash. Her invitation of going to dinner together sparks a romance among the two, and brings life and excitement into Nash’s orderly world. Alicia is the one and only thing that will remain real and consistent in Nash’s own world as is condition worsens and becomes known.
In such a short time, director Ron Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman are able to provide us with such a powerful story of pride, love, despair, compassion, and triumph. Russell Crowe is able to brilliantly capture the passion and devotion to his wife and his work, while striving for that never ending feeling of excellence. The amazing performance from Jennifer Connelly is unforgettable as she captures Nash’s wife Alicia with such compassion and emotion. "A Beautiful Mind" is easily one of the finest films that I have viewed in a long time, and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a well written, beautifully acted movie.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Put an End to Drunk Diriving-Airgument paper
For years now, Massachusetts has debated the issue of drunk driving. In recent years, the Massachusetts legislature has been presented with a bill from the Weld Administration. The bill states that a repeated drunk driver would have a marked drivers license for ten years, and have a place card which would be on their license plate whenever their vehicle was in use. This is known as a hardship license. Also, first and second time offenders would be allowed to receive treatment with written reasons from a judge Lastly, the legal alcohol level would be lowered from .10 to .08. Like any other bill, there are those who support it and those who oppose it. For example, Scott Harshbarger, Bill Weld, and MADD support it, while Daniel O’Connell and others oppose it. The Massachusetts State Legislature should pass the drunk driving bill, and increase the penalties of those to choose not to follow it.
Granted, policeman might violate rights to illegal searches; however, the letter on the license plate would allow officers and the community to easily identify repeated offenders. It’s the police officers job to ensure the safety of the community, and having the letter on an offenders license plate would allow them to their job appropriately.
The legal blood-alcohol level would be lowered from .10 to .08 if the bill were passed. Once the blood-alcohol level was lowered, officers would be able to catch more impaired drivers on the road, making it safer for innocent victims that are obeying the law. Also, the number of impaired drivers driver’s on the road would dramatically decrease due to officers being able to convict more people of drunk driving. A lowered blood-alcohol level may result in fewer people drinking, because the drivers desired amount to drink and then drive would change due to the new penalties that they would potentially face.
To all rules, there are exceptions or loop holes. In this bill, there is an exception to first and
second time offenders. If a driver is stopped for drunk driving for the first or second time, the intoxicated drivers license will not be marked. The operator of the vehicle would be taken to court and presented in front of a judge. From there, the judge would put it in writing that the driver has permission to receive alcohol treatment, and be spared the other penalties. Although not all drivers receive this treatment, those who did would mean one less drunk driver on the road, and one less innocent person being tragically hurt, or even killed.
More importantly, a repeated driver would carry a marked license for ten years, and have a hardship license. The hardship license would require the driver to have a removable mark on their license plate whenever their vehicle was in use. This would easily allow police to see and stop an offender at anytime. The marked license would allow the officer to see if the driver was convicted of this deadly crime if they did not have a hardship license. If a driver is caught under the influence, then their license and license plate will be marked so that the police and community can easily recognize when someone like that is on the road.
The Massachusetts State Legislature should do everything in it’s power to pass the drunk driving bill. The bill would allow repeated offenders to carry a hardship license. Also, first and second time offenders would receive the proper treatment with the approval of a judge to help them act more responsibly. A repeated drunk driver having to carry a marked license plate and receive treatment is a small price to pay compared to the suffering and pain that families of the people that have been hurt, or even killed by a drunk driver. If you don’t want a mark on your drivers licensee, then don’t drink and drive. Simple as that.
Granted, policeman might violate rights to illegal searches; however, the letter on the license plate would allow officers and the community to easily identify repeated offenders. It’s the police officers job to ensure the safety of the community, and having the letter on an offenders license plate would allow them to their job appropriately.
The legal blood-alcohol level would be lowered from .10 to .08 if the bill were passed. Once the blood-alcohol level was lowered, officers would be able to catch more impaired drivers on the road, making it safer for innocent victims that are obeying the law. Also, the number of impaired drivers driver’s on the road would dramatically decrease due to officers being able to convict more people of drunk driving. A lowered blood-alcohol level may result in fewer people drinking, because the drivers desired amount to drink and then drive would change due to the new penalties that they would potentially face.
To all rules, there are exceptions or loop holes. In this bill, there is an exception to first and
second time offenders. If a driver is stopped for drunk driving for the first or second time, the intoxicated drivers license will not be marked. The operator of the vehicle would be taken to court and presented in front of a judge. From there, the judge would put it in writing that the driver has permission to receive alcohol treatment, and be spared the other penalties. Although not all drivers receive this treatment, those who did would mean one less drunk driver on the road, and one less innocent person being tragically hurt, or even killed.
More importantly, a repeated driver would carry a marked license for ten years, and have a hardship license. The hardship license would require the driver to have a removable mark on their license plate whenever their vehicle was in use. This would easily allow police to see and stop an offender at anytime. The marked license would allow the officer to see if the driver was convicted of this deadly crime if they did not have a hardship license. If a driver is caught under the influence, then their license and license plate will be marked so that the police and community can easily recognize when someone like that is on the road.
The Massachusetts State Legislature should do everything in it’s power to pass the drunk driving bill. The bill would allow repeated offenders to carry a hardship license. Also, first and second time offenders would receive the proper treatment with the approval of a judge to help them act more responsibly. A repeated drunk driver having to carry a marked license plate and receive treatment is a small price to pay compared to the suffering and pain that families of the people that have been hurt, or even killed by a drunk driver. If you don’t want a mark on your drivers licensee, then don’t drink and drive. Simple as that.
Friday, September 21, 2007
No One Is Ever Really Gone
Generally, I’m a happy person, without a care in the world; or, at least I use to be. It was the end of May, May 23rd, 2007 to be exact. It was around 9:45 a.m. when I left the house that morning, filled with the excitement of taking my last high school final ever that morning. Before I went to school though, I stopped at Sippican Nursing home to have a quick visit with my grandmother before my final exam. I walked in the room, only to find her so peacefully lying there. She looked to delicate and fragile, like the slightest forced move would break her into a million pieces. Trying not to disturb her, I lightly kissed on the forehead and whispered in her ear, “I’ll be back soon, I promise. I love you and I will see you soon Vav.” I quickly said good morning to the nurses on her floor before leaving, and then headed off to my English exam full of excitement and confidence that I was going to do very well.
Finally, it was over, my high school career had come to an end. No more teachers or tests, (until college, of course), and finally I was officially on summer vacation. Walking down the hall for the very last time, my principal stopped me. “Talia, before you leave, I would like to share some good news with you.” he told me. Good news, what news could be better than high school is finally over and summer vacation has just begun? When he shared the news with me, I couldn’t believe it, it was more than good news, it was amazing news. “I just wanted to let you know that due to your hard work and devotion over the past four years, you will be graduating ORR with honors.” I couldn’t believe what he has just told me. Me, of all people, was graduating with honors. This was like a dream come true, but it was actually happening, to me. I couldn’t wait to get to the nursing home to share this newly acquired information with my grandmother, she would have been so proud of me. Not only was I the first person in my family going to college, but now this? It was truly amazing.
I ran to my car, which is odd, because I never run, unless it is absolutely necessary. Keeping my promise, I pulled up to the nursing home around 11:00 a.m. I ran to the elevator, and then to her room ready to burst with excitement, but when I got there, all that excitement left my body as quickly as it entered it. She had changed, drastically. She was no longer this porcelain doll laying in an uncomfortable bed. Her skin had changed, she was now as white as a ghost on the outside, but on the inside, she was fighting a losing battle. She was no longer the strong and determined women I had known all my life. The cancer was finally winning the long battle, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. I knew the worst coming, but I didn’t want to admit it, because if I did, my worst nightmare might actually come true. I sat there for what seemed like hours holding her hand while the helpless tears streamed down my face. Reality hit and I knew it was coming. I don’t really remember what happened next, because the minutes seemed like hours. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and when I looked up, I remember seeing some family members, along with the justice of the peace. The rest of what happened is a bit foggy to me, a distant memory that I never wanted to have. All I remember though, was holding her hand and telling her it was okay to go, that she didn’t have to suffer any more, even though that was a lie. I didn’t want her to leave, not at all. I was being selfish, I wanted to keep her all to myself for as long as possible, but I knew that could never happen.
Leaving Sippican Nursing home for the last time, I walked to my car thinking how I felt last time I walked to my car, only a few hours earlier. I was filled with excitement and joy that was ready to burst out of me, and now, I was filled with devastation because the lady who had been my idol and a mother to me for eighteen years was no longer here. I went home that day to an empty house, although it wasn’t the first time being alone in my house, it felt different. It was cold and lonely. Reality had hit me, she would never walk through the front door again or yell down the hall to me to turn my music down, or just be there when I needed someone to talk to or to share things with. All I had left of her were the memories, which would never die.
My face that day was full of uncontrollable tears, which still happens today. But through it all, I remembered something that she had told me when I lost a close friend to a car accident the year before. She told me that no one is ever really gone as long as you hold them in your heart, and remember all the times, both good and bad, that you shared with that person, and as long as you do that, no one will ever be completely gone.
Finally, it was over, my high school career had come to an end. No more teachers or tests, (until college, of course), and finally I was officially on summer vacation. Walking down the hall for the very last time, my principal stopped me. “Talia, before you leave, I would like to share some good news with you.” he told me. Good news, what news could be better than high school is finally over and summer vacation has just begun? When he shared the news with me, I couldn’t believe it, it was more than good news, it was amazing news. “I just wanted to let you know that due to your hard work and devotion over the past four years, you will be graduating ORR with honors.” I couldn’t believe what he has just told me. Me, of all people, was graduating with honors. This was like a dream come true, but it was actually happening, to me. I couldn’t wait to get to the nursing home to share this newly acquired information with my grandmother, she would have been so proud of me. Not only was I the first person in my family going to college, but now this? It was truly amazing.
I ran to my car, which is odd, because I never run, unless it is absolutely necessary. Keeping my promise, I pulled up to the nursing home around 11:00 a.m. I ran to the elevator, and then to her room ready to burst with excitement, but when I got there, all that excitement left my body as quickly as it entered it. She had changed, drastically. She was no longer this porcelain doll laying in an uncomfortable bed. Her skin had changed, she was now as white as a ghost on the outside, but on the inside, she was fighting a losing battle. She was no longer the strong and determined women I had known all my life. The cancer was finally winning the long battle, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. I knew the worst coming, but I didn’t want to admit it, because if I did, my worst nightmare might actually come true. I sat there for what seemed like hours holding her hand while the helpless tears streamed down my face. Reality hit and I knew it was coming. I don’t really remember what happened next, because the minutes seemed like hours. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and when I looked up, I remember seeing some family members, along with the justice of the peace. The rest of what happened is a bit foggy to me, a distant memory that I never wanted to have. All I remember though, was holding her hand and telling her it was okay to go, that she didn’t have to suffer any more, even though that was a lie. I didn’t want her to leave, not at all. I was being selfish, I wanted to keep her all to myself for as long as possible, but I knew that could never happen.
Leaving Sippican Nursing home for the last time, I walked to my car thinking how I felt last time I walked to my car, only a few hours earlier. I was filled with excitement and joy that was ready to burst out of me, and now, I was filled with devastation because the lady who had been my idol and a mother to me for eighteen years was no longer here. I went home that day to an empty house, although it wasn’t the first time being alone in my house, it felt different. It was cold and lonely. Reality had hit me, she would never walk through the front door again or yell down the hall to me to turn my music down, or just be there when I needed someone to talk to or to share things with. All I had left of her were the memories, which would never die.
My face that day was full of uncontrollable tears, which still happens today. But through it all, I remembered something that she had told me when I lost a close friend to a car accident the year before. She told me that no one is ever really gone as long as you hold them in your heart, and remember all the times, both good and bad, that you shared with that person, and as long as you do that, no one will ever be completely gone.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Rough Draft-Eating Disorders in class essay
Growing up in today’s society, it is not uncommon to hear a women, some as young as eleven and twelve to comment about their weight, and whether they’re too fat or not and need to begin dieting, immediately. Some girls feel that it is socially unacceptable to have the slightest bit of their belly hanging over their jeans, or any ounce of fat on their bodies, because you may be considered fat or even possibly over weight.
As a young women in today’s world, it is not uncommon for us to admire and want to become the women that we see on television or in magazine adds. We see these women as beautiful and successful, and having it all. However, the one thing all these women have in common, is that they’re all walking skeletons. These magazines and television adds are promoting young women, such as myself, that to be beautiful and to have it all, is to literally become a human skeleton and to stop at no cost. When dieting and exercising isn’t enough, these young women will never give up, even if it means becoming addicted to diet pills or developing a severe eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia along the way that can eventually become life threatening.
Just as baggy jeans or disco music were a passing fad, is that what eating disorders are? Or is it more than that? Will the goal of weighing absolutely nothing and being as skinny as possible be a passing phase, or is it something that may ultimately destroy our next generation of young women, both mentally and physically?
As a young women in today’s world, it is not uncommon for us to admire and want to become the women that we see on television or in magazine adds. We see these women as beautiful and successful, and having it all. However, the one thing all these women have in common, is that they’re all walking skeletons. These magazines and television adds are promoting young women, such as myself, that to be beautiful and to have it all, is to literally become a human skeleton and to stop at no cost. When dieting and exercising isn’t enough, these young women will never give up, even if it means becoming addicted to diet pills or developing a severe eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia along the way that can eventually become life threatening.
Just as baggy jeans or disco music were a passing fad, is that what eating disorders are? Or is it more than that? Will the goal of weighing absolutely nothing and being as skinny as possible be a passing phase, or is it something that may ultimately destroy our next generation of young women, both mentally and physically?
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