Sunday, November 11, 2007

Teen Drinking and Spring Break

Emily R. Grekin, Kenneth J. Sher, and Jennifer L Krill “College spring break and alcohol use:
effects of spring break activity” Issues in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 68.5
(September 2007): pg681
College Library, Fall River, MA 4, November, 2007

In this article, the authors discuss the relationship between spring break vacation, and an increase in college drinking. Grekin, Sher, and Krull conducted a study in at a Midwestern university in which they contacted students in their freshman, sophomore, and junior year of college in both the spring and fall semesters. They surveyed the students asking them their typical alcohol use, their alcohol use during spring break week, and the activities they participated in during spring break. Their studies suggested that those students staying in their college town or visiting with parents were less likely to take part in heavy alcohol consumption, rather than those who chose to vacation or take part in spring break activities with friends, who were more susceptible to engaging in heavy alcohol consumption.

Grekin, Sher, and Krull make some strong points that heavy alcohol consumption is increased during the spring break week. However, there is no strong evidence to support this assumption. To support their thesis of the relationship between alcohol consumption and spring break week they should study the person and environmental characteristics that increase alcohol consumption and spring break week.

1 comment:

HT said...

Hi Talia:

I like your summary: it is clear and uses signal phrases appropriately. This first paragraph is the stronger part of the two paragraphs.

The second, on the other hand, seems rushed and incomplete to me. Can you describe what kind of evidence is used? And can you explain further what you mean by "person and environmental characteristics"? I don't understand what that might mean.
Do we know anything about the authors that would establish their credibility? Or the timing of the article?

Your MLA form is pretty good: you just have to capitalize consistently, include the URL, and use (in your final draft) italics or underline for the title of the journal.

What do you think?